Contact Us / Frequently Asked Questions
For Free Estimates or questions, e-mail at countrylawn@comcast.net or phone 413-467-2274 and leave your name, address, phone # and how you got our information. We'll try to respond as soon as possible.

Country Lawn Care, Inc.

Granby, MA, 01033

Office: 413-467-2274 

Email: countrylawn@comcast.net


For Free Estimates or questions, e-mail at countrylawn@comcast.net or phone 413-467-2274 and leave your name, address, phone # and how you got our information. We'll try to respond as soon as possible.

Country Lawn Care, Inc.

Granby, MA, 01033

Office: 413-467-2274 

Email: countrylawn@comcast.net


This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Do you need to have a special license to apply pesticide?

Most definitely. MA. requires all applicators to pass a 100 question pesticide safety exam and must have a certain about of recertification credits after that. All applicators must also be supervised by a commercial license holder, which Andy the owner is.

Are all applicators licensed and trained?     

Yes, we all have a certified Ma. pesticide license, recertification class requirements and combined 40 years of training.

Is liability and workers comprehensive insurance required?

Yes, we have all the worker comp. and liability insurance. We will provide anyone with a certificate of insurance.

Do we do any mowing, landscaping, tree services, irrigation or snow plowing?

No, We focus on being specialists only in the turf field, which is challenging enough. But we do have contacts with specialists in each of those areas.

How To Minimize Summer Crabgrass?     

The most effective way to help minimize summer crabgrass is preventing the annual seeds from germinating. Many customers and landscapers don’t understand that timing, preparation and mowing practices is crucial in preventing the seeds from germinating.

We won’t stop all seeds from germinating or prevent new ones from blowing in, but we can drastically minimize seed germination by following these few simple steps.  

Prior to 1st Application 

 * Remove any loose debris (raking, dethatching, mowing etc.) that might prevent crabgrass preventatives from penetrating down to the soils.     
 *  Please cut grass short to remove any excess winter dead tissues.     
 *  Some lawns may need Mechanical Dethatching- removal of non-decompose layer between the surface and the soil (only if needed and certain types of grasses can’t not be dethatched). Contact us as soon as possible if you need guidance on dethatching. 

 Post 1st Application· 

 * No soil disturbance after 1st application through mid-summer (avoid raking, dethatching, seeding, weed whacking etc.).       
*  Maintain mowing height 3-3 ½ “through-out the entire season. Mowing or weed whacking grass short at any time will disturb crabgrass barrier.     
 *  Watering in thoroughly (1”) with 5 days of 1st treatment, if natural rain doesn’t provide it for you.  

The best time for the 1st application will determine on weather. Crabgrass seeds start germinating when soil temperature reaches 55 degrees. Seeds usually germinate first along road and driveway edges, because temperatures are much warmer along pavement. Soil types will also determine when seeds germinate.  

We understand that you as customers or hired landscapers also have weather related delays (snow melt, lawn moisture, rain, wind etc.) regarding preparing for your 1st application, but unfortunately nature doesn’t wait for us. I stress the importance of trying to get your yard prepared as soon as weather permits, because any postponement can result in a major crabgrass infestation in summer.              

Customers Responsibilities

Blade Height

  • Read over all statements left behind after all applications and try to follow safety guidelines and recommendations.
  • Follow recommended mowing heights throughout the season.
  • Water according to weather condition and our recommendations.
  • Notify us regarding any unusual turf changes or if dissatisfied, so we can rectify any concerns you might have.
Country Lawn Care
PAYMENT OPTIONS: Check Payable to: Country Lawn Care, Inc. or VENMO: Andrew Deecher @ Countrylawn
For Free Estimates or questions, e-mail at countrylawn@comcast.net or phone 413-467-2274 and leave your name, address, phone # and how you got our information. We'll try to respond as soon as possible.

Country Lawn Care, Inc.

Granby, MA, 01033

Office: 413-467-2274 

Email: countrylawn@comcast.net


For Free Estimates or questions, e-mail at countrylawn@comcast.net or phone 413-467-2274 and leave your name, address, phone # and how you got our information. We'll try to respond as soon as possible.

Country Lawn Care, Inc.

Granby, MA, 01033

Office: 413-467-2274 

Email: countrylawn@comcast.net


This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Do you need to have a special license to apply pesticide?

Most definitely. MA. requires all applicators to pass a 100 question pesticide safety exam and must have a certain about of recertification credits after that. All applicators must also be supervised by a commercial license holder, which Andy the owner is.

Are all applicators licensed and trained?     

Yes, we all have a certified Ma. pesticide license, recertification class requirements and combined 40 years of training.

Is liability and workers comprehensive insurance required?

Yes, we have all the worker comp. and liability insurance. We will provide anyone with a certificate of insurance.

Do we do any mowing, landscaping, tree services, irrigation or snow plowing?

No, We focus on being specialists only in the turf field, which is challenging enough. But we do have contacts with specialists in each of those areas.

How To Minimize Summer Crabgrass?     

The most effective way to help minimize summer crabgrass is preventing the annual seeds from germinating. Many customers and landscapers don’t understand that timing, preparation and mowing practices is crucial in preventing the seeds from germinating.

We won’t stop all seeds from germinating or prevent new ones from blowing in, but we can drastically minimize seed germination by following these few simple steps.  

Prior to 1st Application 

 * Remove any loose debris (raking, dethatching, mowing etc.) that might prevent crabgrass preventatives from penetrating down to the soils.     
 *  Please cut grass short to remove any excess winter dead tissues.     
 *  Some lawns may need Mechanical Dethatching- removal of non-decompose layer between the surface and the soil (only if needed and certain types of grasses can’t not be dethatched). Contact us as soon as possible if you need guidance on dethatching. 

 Post 1st Application· 

 * No soil disturbance after 1st application through mid-summer (avoid raking, dethatching, seeding, weed whacking etc.).       
*  Maintain mowing height 3-3 ½ “through-out the entire season. Mowing or weed whacking grass short at any time will disturb crabgrass barrier.     
 *  Watering in thoroughly (1”) with 5 days of 1st treatment, if natural rain doesn’t provide it for you.  

The best time for the 1st application will determine on weather. Crabgrass seeds start germinating when soil temperature reaches 55 degrees. Seeds usually germinate first along road and driveway edges, because temperatures are much warmer along pavement. Soil types will also determine when seeds germinate.  

We understand that you as customers or hired landscapers also have weather related delays (snow melt, lawn moisture, rain, wind etc.) regarding preparing for your 1st application, but unfortunately nature doesn’t wait for us. I stress the importance of trying to get your yard prepared as soon as weather permits, because any postponement can result in a major crabgrass infestation in summer.              

Customers Responsibilities

Blade Height

  • Read over all statements left behind after all applications and try to follow safety guidelines and recommendations.
  • Follow recommended mowing heights throughout the season.
  • Water according to weather condition and our recommendations.
  • Notify us regarding any unusual turf changes or if dissatisfied, so we can rectify any concerns you might have.
Country Lawn Care
PAYMENT OPTIONS: Check Payable to: Country Lawn Care, Inc. or VENMO: Andrew Deecher @ Countrylawn

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